Sunday, June 21, 2009

Highlights from this Sunday's Times (6/21/09)

Rafael Nadal. (Clive Brunskill/Getty Images)

- Cynthia Gorney on Rafael Nadal, the No. 1 tennis player in the world (I think this article could win Gorney a National Magazine Award)
- Walt Bogdanich on "a rogue cancer unit" at the Philadelphia V.A. hospital
- Sarah Garland on a case of Long Island gang violence

And here are a few tardy highlights from last Sunday's Times (6/14/09):

- Daniel J. Wakin on outgoing New York Philharmonic music director Lorin Maazel
- Jon Gertner on the state of California's determination to build a high-speed rail system a la France and Japan
- Katie Thomas on a girls' basketball team in New York and why it, and so many others like it, is not as supported as the average boys' team

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